Sunday, September 27, 2009

Etsy Project Embrace is an official team

Hi there!
We have an official Etsy team called Etsy Project Embrace.
You can find our Etsy Team on the Team Profiles page here:
Etsy Project Embrace Team
Please go there to find out more about it, or go to ETSY and the scroll down boxes to "all items", type in "teamepe" or and those items listed are for sale and a portion of their proceeds goes towards cancer research - to the American Cancer Society. This group has raised approx. $2,500 already, with no end in site! I'm so appreciative of each and every one of you who participates, purchases, and just checks in with me.
It is so uplifting!

A special thanks to Kristin of for organizing the team to get Etsy "team status"... alot of time involved! Also to Kathi of and for creating a banner for the team and to Kim of - whose idea this was in the first place and none of this would've ever happened without her! Also, two honorable mentions and fellow cancer survivors, Ginny of, who keeps us all up to date on all the new EPE treasurys - pretty much daily - in the forum thread and Amy of, who took all our team info to Facebook and Twitter.
Speaking of the thread - we have a new forum thread where people write in all the time with new info and treasurys, to share stories, and help one another. I have a direct link to the right of this post as well as the direct link to the ACS team.

One more thing as you read this. We have never met. I have never met Kim, or Kristin, or Ginny, or Kathi, or Amy, and most of these people have not met one another - they live in different states and different countries........
Thank you ALL! laura XXOO


  1. It is so incredible that none of us have ever met but that we can all come together to support this most wonderful cause. I am really happy to be part of this team but more importantly the mission of the team!

  2. It is so incredible that we have all never met but that we are united in such a great cause. I am so proud to be part of this team but more importantly I am thrilled about the mission of the team.

  3. hi laura...hope you're feeling fantastic! this is amazing and all good! I'm so happy to be a part of this team as well! Thanks to all the above for their generous contibutions of time and energy ~ truly inspiring! hugs all,

  4. Laura!!! I'm honored and thrilled to be a member of this fabulous (and now official) team. Yay and hooray, and a huge "Thank You" to everybody involved in getting TeamEPE going. And hey, I've just retagged all the items in my shops and Joe's -- and it wasn't even tedious. Now I'm off to put up a blog post about the team! Love you loads,
    Mollie Ann

  5. what an honor to be a part of this amazing TEAM~ yippee! I couldn't be more thrilled to play a small roll in this fabulous group of artists~ whoooo hooooo~ xoxo right back atcha~ love you toots~ ames

  6. I'm so excited about our new team. Yippee!! I am also appreciative for everyones hard work and dedication. thanks to all!

  7. We have met Laura.. all the love that is behind you is something that IS tangible for you and for all of us.. you are there and we are here but all of our love knows each other and you.. am I so way out in corny land .. that's ok because its true!
    hugs and love!
    Marianne and Rita

  8. What a wonderful world where there is love, support, caring, and prayers among people who are so physically distant and who have never met except through words, treasury, and art! It's great news that the team is official. I've just contacted Kristin to join and will spend time this week re-tagging. Cancer has touched almost everybody and it is a scary thing, but one that can be overcome. Keeping good thoughts and blessings headed your way, Laura! Stay the course, darling!

  9. I have met you in you "real" life :)
    Leave it to you to start a movement on Etsy- hahaha!
    You have really taught me something important, Laura. Thank you for being you and bringing us all together to do something so worthwhile. You have shown me what friendship really looks like.
    I hope I get to meet everybody else now :)
    So happy we are an official team! It makes me feel so much better doing something proactive to combat cancer. I lost my grandmother to cancer when I was 12 years old and the experience has always stayed with me. I wouldn't wish that kind of suffering on anyone.

    I want to wish you continued strength and healing, Laura.
    Love you!

  10. Yeah, we are an official etsy team!! Thanks to everyone who made this possible.

    Laura, you look wonderful in that hat!!!!!

    Jackie xxoo

  11. Yes, and that wonderful hat happens to be from you, Jackie!!!!! I'm getting lots of compliments. The ceramic button is from ginny of ginpins. I have another i spy from ginnyhuber's shop, next time i have a little extra money!!
    thanks everybody for checking in and for all the wonderful comments ....
    and yes, I met one friend on Etsy - that is Kendra... plus only knowing my family members - how cool would it be to all be able to meet- that would be a dream come true! laura xxoo

  12. Wow! Laura, I am also totally honored to be a part of this ever-growing loving worldwide circle! I was almost speechless (not a usual thing for me) when I saw this blogpost. Many thanks for it and for inspiring this wonderful group. You do look cute in Jackie's hat and ginpins button! Hope the "chemo brain" hasn't hit you too hard these last few more to go, eh, this round...xoxoxo to you, as always and to all of our EPE "family".

  13. I found EtsyProjectEmbrace on Twiiter and found your blog at FB. i am so inspired to see such a wonderful team of Etsy Artists! CONGRATS on your Remission! WOOO HOO!!!

    I would love to donate to the team since i don't have an open Etsy shop at present how could i help.. email me!!

